Welcome to legal aid of West Virginia's family law information videos. This video covers the information that needs to be filled out in the worksheet for individual proposed parenting plan. This is the form that you'll fill out and file along with your family court parenting plan in any case that involves a child like a divorce or in a custody case or custody modification case. This form is available on the supreme court of appeals website at www.quartzwv.gov. This video only provides information does not provide specific advice to your situation. If you have questions about your situation, you should try to talk to an attorney, or you can apply for assistance from legal aid. At the top, you'll put the name of the county where you're filing or handling your case. If you have a civil action number, you would put it there. The petitioners are the name of the person who's filing the case. The respondent is the name of the person who's answering. If that case has previously been filed, just copy the same names that are on the case from before. You'll print your name here as the person who's completing this form, and you'll put the date that you complete the form. The purpose of this form is to give the court a sense of how the parents have shared parenting responsibilities over the last 24 months. And the blanks as you'll see down here and percentages should always add up to 100. So on this line here, you'll list the name of the children that are involved that you're filling this form out for. Then you will go through these various questions about daily physical needs and care. Things like bedtime wake up bathing grooming dressing transportation and put the percentage of time that the petitioner spent on that and the...
What you should know about Parenting Plan Template
- Parenting plan worksheet courtesy of www.yoursocialworker.com
- Developed through various processes including mediation and collaborative law
- Not exhaustive of all issues, professional input advised
Award-winning PDF software
How to prepare Parenting Plan Template
About Parenting Plan Worksheet
A parenting plan worksheet is a document that helps parents or legal guardians outline the co-parenting arrangement and schedule for their children. This comprehensive worksheet includes various aspects of parenting, such as child custody, visitation, decision-making, and communication. The parenting plan worksheet is designed for separated or divorced parents who share custody of their children. It assists them in creating a detailed agreement that specifies how they will raise their children and make important decisions regarding their well-being. The worksheet provides a structure for parents to address issues like the division of parenting time, holiday schedules, extracurricular activities, healthcare, education, and other relevant matters. Additionally, a parenting plan worksheet may be used by unmarried parents, parents who are in the process of divorcing or establishing custody arrangements, as well as parents seeking to modify their existing parenting plan due to changes in circumstances. Overall, the parenting plan worksheet acts as a guiding tool to facilitate effective co-parenting and ensure the best interests of the children are met. It encourages open communication between parents and allows them to work together in creating a mutually beneficial parenting plan.
How to complete a Parenting Plan Template
- Make sure to fill out all required sections, including the names and contact information of both parents, as well as any details regarding parental time with the children and their extracurricular activities
- Remember to consult a lawyer if you want to make this plan legally binding, and seek professional input before finalizing the agreement
- You can print out the completed form for the other parent, but do not distribute it online or to any third parties
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